Friday, June 10, 2011

JCCI learns about Holistic Health

Did you know your poop should be the consistency of toothpaste to constitute a healthy body? Elaine Pace, president of Sonaviv Medical institute, presented yesterday at the JCCI Issues and Answers lunchtime event about the benefits of combining traditional and holistic medical practices as well as how to recognize and correct indicators of poor health.

"The plop-plops are not good, people,” Pace said. “Don’t teach your children to count the plops!”

And we are not just pooping incorrectly. Most people don’t know how to chew their food, or even breathe properly.

On average, a person chews one bite of food five to seven times. According to Pace, each bite should be chewed between 20 and 30 times. “The enzymes in your saliva are strong enough to kill the HIV virus,” Pace said.

Why wouldn’t you want to keep that chip or that piece of sandwich in your mouth infusing it with HIV-killing saliva? The longer you keep food in your mouth by chewing, the cleaner that food will be when it enters your stomach and is absorbed into your system. Chewing saves the stomach the trouble of having to sort through solid pieces of miscellaneous unchewed food.

After the group was about halfway through their lunches, Pace gestured at her lower belly, leaning back so that it would stick out. “This is your omentum. It takes a lot of momentum to lose your omentum,” she said bouncing up and down.

Everyone knows that exercise is the best way to lose weight and the only way to get rid of a jiggling omentum. But did you know that movement is the only thing that allows fluid called lymph to take toxins out of your blood and replenish it with proteins? 

“If your heart is the blood-pump, movement is the lymph-pump,” Pace said. Exercise not only shrinks that wobbly omentum, but it also cleans your blood.   

However, there are times when you want your omentum to protrude, such as when you breathe. Most people think they can handle breathing – inhale, exhale, and repeat. So simple, even babies are born knowing how to do it! But the majority of people breathe shallowly, keeping the breath in their chest. “Babies fill up their bellies with air,” Pace said. Shallow breathing prevents a full, healthy dose of oxygen from entering the body and a full load of toxins from exiting the body.

“I am not the guru of holistic health,” said Pace. “I am a conduit for sharing information.” Implementing even one of Pace’s tips could make a big difference in your overall health.

As a summary, Pace’s tips for living a healthier lifestyle include:
  • Breathe
  • Chew
  • Move
  • And always examine your poop 
Know what is going on with your body so that treatment or therapy can be implemented before a condition becomes terminal – whether that treatment is holistic, traditional, or a combination of the two. 

JCCI provided chips, sodas, and other snacks to guests who attended the event – only as examples of toxins that should be avoided in our world. ;) 

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